
Pest Alerts, Identification, and Background Information

USDA-APHIS Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert

Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert
This USDA-APHIS pest alert covers the spotted lanternfly. This invasive pest is primarily known to affect tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima).

Regional IPM Centers Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert

Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert (PDF)
A national pest alert issued by the regional IPM centers. Download the PDF or view the web page version.

Penn State Extension Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert

Spotted Lanternfly page from Penn State Extension

Spotted lanternfly web page from Pa. Dept. of Agriculture

Spotted Lanternfly web page from Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture

Spotted Lanternfly Plant Usage in North America

Spotted Lanternfly Plant Usage in North America (PDF)
A list of plants in North America associated with spotted lanternfly feeding or egg deposition from lab studies, field studies, field observations, and literature review. Source: Barringer and Ciafré, 2020.

Possible Spotted Lanternfly Look-alikes

Possible Spotted Lanternfly Look-alikes – Egg Masses, Nymphs, and Adults (PDF)
Photos of spotted lanternfly egg masses, nymphs, and adults compared to common look-alikes found in Virginia. Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2018.

Pest Notice: Spotted Lanternfly

Pest Notice: Spotted Lanternfly / Aviso de Pragas: Insecto-Lanterna Manchado (PDF)
Pest notice in English and Portuguese. Source: New York State IPM Program, 2022.

Regional IPM Centers Spotted Lanternfly Pest Alert

Find spotted lanternfly with fungi growing on it?
Download the linked PDF to help identify different types of fungi. Please take photos, record the location and date, and contact Eric Clifton ( and Ann Hajek (

Prediction Tools and Maps

Temple Lab Dashboard for SLF predicted spread and population growth

SLF egg hatch prediction map Source: Penn State Extension


The Invasive Spotted Lanternfly (PDF) 11″ × 17″ poster from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation & Agriculture and Markets

Now’s the time to spot spotted lanternfly (ZIP) Download social media assets from Cornell Cooperative Extension in New York State.


Pennsylvania Battles Invasive Bug Overview of problems caused by spotted lanternfly in Pennsylvania. Source: “Market to Market,” Iowa Public Television, June 28, 2019.

Spotted Lanternfly in the News

Pennsylvania Turns to Man’s Best Friend to Sniff Out Spotted Lanternfly Infestation Spotted lanternflies are beautiful but can exact a huge toll on agriculture. To help reduce their numbers, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture started a canine lanternfly-tracking program. Source: NPR, Dec. 11, 2020.

Penn State Helps to Assemble Expert Task Force to Combat Spotted Lanternfly The working group came together for an inaugural, two-day summit at Albright College in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Source: Penn State News, Aug. 6, 2018.

Invasive Insects Invade Pennsylvania/Chesapeake Bay: Update Several insects that aren’t native to Pennsylvania have invaded its forests, farm fields, and homes. Now, growers are sounding the alarm over the spotted lanternfly. Source: “Smart Talk,” WITF, Mar. 7, 2018.